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Back Translation and Verification

Medical document translation for clinical trials requires accuracy and precision. Errors and omissions of medical translations can have dire consequences both to the client and end users of the translation. Some international regulatory authorities require back translation to accompany translated documents when filing the necessary paperwork.

In a standard translation process, a translator translates the texts and an editor reviews and makes the necessary corrections. A more stringent quality control process—as may be required in certain medical translations—will include a translator translating the foreign document translation back to the original language of the source documents. The foreign-language document version is compared with the back translation version.  This verification process validates the accuracy of the translations and verifies omissions and missing text.

Global Link has the expertise, experience, and resources to back translate and verify the accuracy of your medical translations, including your clinical trials, case reports, pharmacological studies, clinical protocol, consent forms, etc. We have been the trusted translation partner of many well-known pharmaceutical companies and hospitals.

To learn more about how Global Link can assist you, contact us.


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